I don’t want just
a piece of peace,
I want all of it.
What even is peace? Have you ever not done something “because you just didn’t have a peace about it”? Or done something because you did “have a peace”? I don’t want to be extreme here, but allow me to press into what peace is not and what it actually is.
"A peace.” Because I don’t know about you, but I don’t want just a piece of peace, I want all of it.
And since Jesus is Himself our peace (Ephesians 2:14), knowing what peace truly is (and is not) is critically connected with knowing Him in the fullness of His character. Worshipping Him for the fullness He is, and not a false image that I make Him into to serve my own needs.
He is incapable of giving us something any less than the fullness of the goodness of Who He is. In Him “there is no variation or shifting shadow” (James 1:17). He is not conflicted or inconsistent. And since Jesus is Himself our peace, He will not give us “a peace” about anything less than the good and perfect gifts He has for us. He will not contradict Himself.
So it doesn’t matter how comfortable we may feel, true peace cannot be found in anything that doesn’t line up with His love spoken over us through the truth of His Word.
Peace doesn’t mean my comfort. Peace doesn’t mean it’s easy. Peace is not a subjective validation of what I want. Peace doesn’t mean the path of least resistance. Peace doesn’t mean rushing to a decision so the tension of the unknown doesn’t loom any more.
Do I need to know or do I just need to know Him?
And in knowing Him, we know peace. And Jesus has promised to leave us peace. He’s given us peace already (John 14:27)! But I have to let it mediate the decisions in my heart (Colossians 3:15). I have to choose to not let my heart be troubled or be afraid.
And yet He knows how easily I can instead choose fear or be a troubled mess. So He greets me again and again, “Peace be with you” (John 20:19, 21, 26).
And persistent grace of graces, shut doors don’t stop Him from speaking peace to His children (John 20:19). Even locked doors don’t stop Him (John 20:26)!
My barricades can’t give me peace and they can’t keep out Peace Himself. Why oh why do I keep trying to hide myself and protect myself to find peace?
He has come! He is near. I have Him! I have peace. I just have to let my thoughts filter through the peace He has already given me. Let them filter through Him!
But the first line of determining true peace is not my feelings. It is the truth. It is the reality of Who Jesus is and what He has already said. And then choosing to act on and affirm as truth (James 4:7), Who He is and what He has said.
There is a deeper peace that is available! Not a shallow, comfortable, easy veneer. But a weighty, dirt under the fingernails, calloused, and deeply anchored peace that has waded into the thick…and is finding wholeness and healing.
So friends, let’s not settle for “a peace” based on our feelings. But unhinge and fling open our hearts and minds to Him reaching into every part of our being.