We have to learn to live in the vulnerability of not knowing ahead of time the specific form that our God-given calling, gifts and passion will take.
Anyone who tells you they have the rest of their life all figured out is lying. Oh, they may not know they are lying, but they are. Because let's be honest, who can fully predict the future?
This pressure to have it all figured out... To know everything... It's a weight.
Sometimes, in order to just not have to deal with the pressure of not knowing, we make a decision and cling to it. Trying to white knuckle our way into security... Because not many of us love living in the vulnerability, and even tension, of not knowing.
Because the questions, they continually pepper...
"What are you going to major in?"
"Where are you going to school?"
"Are you going to finish that degree?"
"What are you going to do when you graduate?"
"Are you going to get married?"
"What are you going to do for work?"
"When are you going to have kids?"
What are you going to do...?
And the thing is, most of the time, these are just the easy conversation starters. People don't mean to pressure. And we can take these questions all in good spirit and appreciate them for the love with which they are intended. I've even asked (or thought) these questions! And they aren't all bad.
But for ourselves, in our own hearts, we have to learn to live in the vulnerability of not knowing ahead of time the specific form that our God-given calling, gifts and passion will take.
To be sure, you can know without a shadow of a doubt that what God has spoken over you is true and will not falter! Where we err is when we attach what He has spoken to a specific context, form, place or vocation of our own choosing. And you can most definitely be confident that He cares intimately about the context, form, place and vocation you are in at each moment! But in His faithfulness to reveal His glory and work for your good, He may lead you to different contexts. In fact, I can almost guarantee He will. But then, I wouldn't want to try to predict your future... I'm just taking the vast majority of human experience, both that I know personally and that I've seen in history and in Scripture as my cue.
For example, my brother knows that the Lord has called him to sing God's praises among the nations. Sometimes this means his music being downloaded literally around the world by people. And sometimes it means he is going to be there personally. It takes different forms. And he doesn't make a living off of either. And all of this is completely in God's good plan.
We don't have the right either to presume that our work will be what we love the most. But we can be sure that our work will be specifically chosen by Him to reveal His glory and goodness to us and through us. And that we will be able to walk in who we are called to be by His power! And our God-given calling, gifts and passion will shine... maybe not in what our daily work tasks are, but in how we do them and in how we relate to people we come across at work. Not to mention, in our free time!
Please don't choose something for your future just to have the decision made so you don't have to live in the vulnerability of not knowing.
The need to know more is an illusion of control that is based on a lie as old as this earth. We make lousy gods of our own lives. I make a lousy god of my own life. Can we just admit this together?
God promises "His Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (Psalm 119:105) By His Word, He will show me where I am and where I need to go next as I walk.
Let us not clamor to know all of our future right now. Let us not pretend we know it, when we don't. Let us abide in Him. Trusting His goodness. Trusting He has a plan for our future that is good and hopeful, even when we can't see how it will work out yet. And taking each step He reveals to us with obedience and joy!