Calling is directly related to naming.
Calling can be such an ambiguous thing. So many are on a quest to discover their calling and what they feel is the illusive meaning to their lives.
Even though I've come to be settled in focusing on what I do know, instead of what I don't know... I still wonder... down the road... what will I do? Who will I be? What if I turn 40 and nothing has changed in my life? I mean, my life is completely filled and fulfilled with good things and I would not wish for anything to be different to date. But there are things I dream of for the future... hope for, but don't hope in...
So this calling, this incessant search for something meaningful to do... To feel validated. Valuable. Maybe it's not what we sometimes think it is...
I had one of those "lightbulb" moments where the ridiculously-obvious-but-yet-before-unrealized ideas overcame me...
Calling is directly related to naming.
I know it's so blatantly obvious... but have you ever thought about it? When you are named, it is what you are called. Your name is what you are called. I know, I'm Captain Obvious over here.
But think of it, you don't have to go out and find your name. You have it. You have been given it. It is what is whispered over you from your earliest breaths. You can't help but have it. (Except for those who are given or take a new name in a beautiful display of redemption or unity...but those are other stories for other days.)
And when the Lord speaks over you of your calling, it has the idea of being called for, to address, to speak to, to summon, to call aloud by name...even to invite to a feast. It's the "divine invitation to embrace the salvation of God."
So then, child of God, what has He called you? What has He named you? What has He called you to?
Because His words are the final authority. What God says is the truest, purest, most trustworthy.
And you have meaning, because you are alive! As long as you have breath, you have meaning wherever you are, because you have a name in Christ and you are called. Already. Done.
Meaning and ministry are in every moment. There is no dichotomy between the sacred and the secular. No matter your work. No matter your season in life. No matter where you live.
You are called. You have a name. You are seen. And you have worth. Your life has meaning. Inherent, simply because you have breath and were breathed into life by the very breath of God.
And if you doubt, listen to His voice and what He speaks over you...
In Him, you are blessed, chosen, adopted, accepted, redeemed and forgiven (Ephesians 1:3-7)
He came that you may have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10)
You are one of His wonderful works (Psalm 139:14)
There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1)
In Him, you have been made complete (Colossians 2:10)
Nothing can separate you from His love (Romans 8:39)
God is in the midst of you and you will not be moved (or destroyed) (Psalm 46:10)
Perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18)
All of your longing is before Him (Psalm 38:9)
He satisfies your years with good things (Psalm 103:5)
There is so much more that He calls you, names you, breathes meaning over you in... Discover the calling you already have sweet friend. The names you already have. And as you walk in what you do know, you'll find freedom from fretting over what you don't know.