Love and truth.
They can’t be separated. Otherwise, love would be a lie.
Love and truth. Truth and love. They really can’t be separated. Otherwise, love would be a lie.
Love and truth, entwined in a beautiful dance. Expressed in their fullness, continually together.
So to deny truth, is to deny the fullness of love. And in order to receive love, I have to receive truth.
We all crave to know that we’re loved by a love beyond ourselves. And yet we can be tempted so often to not embrace a truth that is beyond ourselves. But if I long to know that I am loved, yet reject knowing truth, then I cannot know the extent to which I am beloved.
I can’t know I’m loved if I don’t know truth. Because you see, the truth is I am loved. You are loved.
So receive the love of the truth, so you can know the truth that you are loved.
And if you just can’t believe, just ask for the help to believe… That the truth is worth loving. That the truth is that you are loved. That The Truth loves you.
And may your longing to know that you are loved, be satisfied all the more as you receive love for the truth. And receive the love of The Truth.